Tag Archives: Family Home Evening

Karla’s Brownie in a Mug

5 Mar

Long gone are the days when I can just walk into a grocery store and pick up a packaged cake, muffin or brownie mix to whip up a quick dessert. Maybe it’s not such a bad thing in the long run. After all, those packaged mixes are loaded with sugar, preservatives, and plenty of ingredients I can’t pronounce. That being said, I believe that moderation is the key to a healthy lifestyle.

About a week ago, my friend Karla posted this recipe for “Brownie in a Mug” on a facebook group we are members of. When I first read the recipe I couldn’t believe that it had no dairy or eggs (after all, isn’t butter a critical part of chewy, soft brownies?) and that it is cooked in the microwave in a MUG. It sounded a little too convenient and too good to be true, so I had to try it. After all, if I failed, I would only be out about 2 minutes of time and a mug full of ingredients.

Was I ever surprised! The brownie was cooked, but moist, almost like cookie dough. It was that quick, sweet, chocolatey fix that I missed getting from Betty Crocker and Duncan Hines. I topped it with a couple of tablespoons of vanilla soy milk and split it between the kids and they really enjoyed it on our Monday night family night (you may sometimes hear me refer to this as Family Home Evening). The kids would like it even more with a scoop of vanilla soy ice “cream” on the top. I tried it with a scoop of Skor ice cream and I almost died and went to Chocolate Heaven. I can definitely envision taking this recipe to the ski hill someday or enjoying it after an afternoon of tobogganing. I’ll bet it could even be made a camping dessert. Makes one single serving of brownies.

4 tbsp flour

4 tbsp sugar

2 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder*

pinch of salt

2 tbsp vegetable oil (do not use olive oil)

2 tbsp water

1/4 tsp vanilla

1. Mix all of the dry ingredients until there are no clumps in a microwaveable coffee mug.

2. Add the vegetable oil, water, and vanilla.

3. Microwave on high for 1 minute. Brownie should have a moist centre and be gooey, not cakey.

4. Top with a couple of tablespoons of vanilla soy milk or a scoop of vanilla soy ice “cream.”

*A note on cocoa powder and allergens: Cocoa powder can be a scary ingredient for people with food allergies. Some contain dairy products (often listed as modified milk ingredients) and may indicate risks of contamination with nuts or other allergens. Read the ingredients carefully. In the fall of 2010 I picked up my usual brand of cocoa (Fry’s) in a huge container from Costco and noticed that there was a warning on it that it may contain traces of peanuts. I went to our local grocery store and searched for a different cocoa. They only carried Fry’s and the store brand. As it turned out, Fry’s in the small, 750 g size, did not indicate any cross contamination risks. If allergies are a concern for you, read the ingredients every time, even if you have bought the product before (in the same or a different size).


And now for 5 Minute Chocolate Cake in a Mug…

Recently I tried a similar recipe for Chocolate Cake in a Mug. It’s not vegan, so my kids couldn’t try it, but it was a nice little indulgence for Mommy and Daddy after 8. I prefer it to Brownie in a Mug, but I have the luxury of having no food allergies. It is light, fluffly, and decadent, in comparison to my heavier brownie recipe. Give it a whirl! I’m sure you will enjoy. Serves 2 (or one if you use a very large mug).


4 tbsp flour

4 tbsp sugar (or 3 if you don’t like it quite so sweet)

2 tbsp cocoa powder

3 tbsp milk

3 tbsp melted butter

3 tbsp chocolate chips

1 egg

A dash of vanilla

Pinch of salt


1. Whisk wet ingredients together.

2. Mix dry ingredients together.

3. Combine wet and dry ingredients until “just” mixed.

4. Pour into 2 regular-sized mugs or 1 large mug.

5. Microwave on medium power for 3 minutes.

6. Let cake cool. Top with icing, whipped cream, ice cream, or whatever tickles your fancy!